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Why Templates Suck!

August 12, 2010

If anyone knows me, they know my aversion to templates. Why the strong dislike to templates you ask?  Well I HATE (yes strong language) when there are two sites that look the same OR when you can clearly tell a purchased template was used. How can I tell you ask? On a purchased template****, if the “developer” (I use that loosely) does not have skill in both Photoshop AND coding, things do not line up, images looks misplaced, and the site has an overall amateurish feel to it.

Sure you can buy a template for $60, but did you notice that price tag for a unique purchase, where no one else can buy that template (any longer)? It’s well into the thousands of dollars. Guess what you can get for much less than that? Yep, you guessed it…a full service website redesign or new web development project. All with the ability to edit your site in a “Microsoft-Word-esc” style editor, a module or two (like a news feed or events listing) and customized design. Oh and don’t forget the customer service that you’d get. Without customer service, AKA Help!!!! how do you get your navigation to size correctly, or your hover effect to be readable, or make the site look right in Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 8, Firefox, Safari….augh….get my point?

Give us a call (570-647-8301), or send us an email, before you convince your boss how a template**** will solve your company’s problems, or before you approach your partner/significant other and say “ooo look what I can do”. Don’t waste your time or money unless you know code and are proficient at Photoshop.

****Here’s where I name names. These sites are the ones I’m talking about who sell common templates to unsuspecting individuals, claiming “How easy it is to get your own custom website!”…..BS I tell you.

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